Publish Date : 2021-06-07
All the students of BIT 1st Semester are informed that the Online First Terminal Examination 2078 is going to be held from 2078/02/26 as per the following schedule:
Time: 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM
Date |
Day |
BIT 1st Semester |
2078/02/26 |
Wednesday |
BIT102HS: Mathematics-I |
2078/02/27 |
Thursday |
BIT101CO: Fundamentals of Information Technology |
2078/02/28 |
Friday |
BIT103HS:Technical Communication |
2078/02/30 |
Sunday |
BIT105CO: Computer programming in C |
- The online exam will be conducted on Zoom online platform and the link of the question paper will be provided by the coordinator at the time of exam.
- The duration of the exam will be 2 hours. Upon completion of the exam session, additional 30 minutes will be provided to upload the scanned copy or images of the answer sheets. Delayed submission of the answer sheets will not be accepted.
- Video must be compulsory on at zoom during exam hours.
- The full marks for each subject is 40 and pass marks is 20.
- Answer sheets should be submitted to [email protected].
- Arrange necessary stationaries before the exam starts.
- Identify appropriate distraction-free location to seat for the exam before joining the exam.
- Leave ample margins (one inch in all sides) in the answer sheets. Write your Name and College ID at the top of each page of the answer sheet.
- Only the hand written answer sheets by the concerned student will be accepted. Answer written by others, typed or copied from a book, carbon copied etc., will not be accepted.
- It is mandatory to attend all the exams and it is a part of internal evaluation.
- We request you to clear your outstanding dues as far as possible.
- Jestha 23 to 25 is granted as exam preparation leave.
- For any support consult with the coordinator and admin staff. ([email protected])
Deepak Khadka
BIT (Program Coordinator)